Mia Tang is back at the Calvista!
Now that she's almost thirteen, Mia's ready to take her first step into the writing world, conquer middle school with Lupe, and have an amazing time on winter break in China, reconnecting with her beloved cousin Shen. I mean, what could go wrong?
Except...everything. Lupe is in high school geometry and advanced English literature, and all she wants to do is study. When she turns to Jason, something, um, awkward happens. Mia forgot about the first stop on the writing train: rejections. And after seventy nine of them, she's ready to give up.
China...is not China. Cousin Shen didn't change, but he's drowning in the bottomless, hated pit called homework. There's fancy cars instead of bikes, McDonald's instead of congee shops, and Mia can't go anywhere without Lao Lao and Nai Nai making sexist or racist comments, or Aunt Juli showing off how much better her family is from Mia's.
Things are changing in Anaheim too, as she finds out. One-of-a-kind businesses are closing down, being replaced by generic or fancy food chains.
But that's not even the worst part! The Topaz and the Lagoon have joined to make one mega hotel: The Magna! Vacation Resorts wants to buy the Calvista and turn it into a Magna hotel, taking away the homey feeling and coziness it's known for.
In China, Mia finds her alter ego as a columnist. Diary of a Young American Girl is taking off. But you can always expect one thing from fans: they need MORE DRAMA. So Mia might've exaggerated the truth a little. If Lupe is so wrapped up in her studies, will she find out about Mia badmouthing her in front of four hundred thousand Chinese kids…right?
When Mia's in China, she's too American. When she's in America, she's too Chinese. Will Mia never fit in? Or is there still room to dream…?
Funny, serious, and unforgettable.....
Bookworm tip- read Front Desk then Three Keys then Room to Dream. There! You're all caught up!
Book Twin #2